General / Organic

6:22 AM Vamsi Krishna 0 Comments


Anion vs. cation charge
ANion is A Negative ion.

Benzene ring: effects of substituents on further additions
“Benzene likes to ROMP. We HOPED she’s be safe, but now she’s knocked up. ADOPt WEDD’Mor?”:
ROMP: Substituents in order: R-group, Ortho, Meta, Para.
HOPEDHalogens are OrthoPara, Electron withdrawing, Deactivating.
ADOPtAddititive substituents Direct Ortho & Para.
WEDD’MWithdrawing Electrons Deactivates, Directs Meta.

Benzene ring: order of substituents
Meta: the two sticks representing functional groups make a capital letter with the ring.
Otho: can close the top of the functional groups and make a boxy capital letter O.
Remaining one must therefore be para.

Benzene ring: order of substituents
“Benzene likes to ROMP“:
From R group moving around the ring:
  • group
  • Ortho
  • Meta
  • Para

Benzene ring: order of substituents
Putting R at top and moving around the ring:
  • Ortho
  • Meta
  • Para
  • Penis is the one pointing down, like the penis of a man pointing downwards.

Cathode: what happens during electrolysis
Current Carries Cations to the Cathode for reduCtion.

Cation vs. anion: positive vs. negative
The in cation looks like a plus sign: “ca+ion”.
Cation is positive, anion is negative.

Cis/trans (geometric) isomer nomenclature
Zame Zide. Epposite.”:
Z is the 2 functional groups on the same side of double bond.
E is for opposite sides.

Cis/trans (geometric) isomer nomenclature
The letter “Z” is written in a zigzag way. If you draw a vertical line splitting it down the middle then its
the same halves (same sides of double bond). The letter “E” is written differently so a vertical line splits it
into different halves (different sides of double bond).

Cis/trans (geometric) isomers: arrangement of functional groups
Cis starts with a and the functional groups formC.
Trans, therefore is the other one by default.

Gibb’s free energy formula
Good Honey Tastes Sweet”:
(delta)– T(delta)S

Orbital names before alphabetical order begins
Sober People Don’t Find Good IKilling”:
Orbital names for electrons are S,P,D,F,G,I,K. After that, alphabetical order begins.

Oxidation vs. reduction: electrochemical cell and electron gain/loss
At the ANode, Oxidation Involves Loss of electrons.
Reduction Involves Gaining electrons at the CAThode.

Oxidation vs. reduction: electron gain/loss
LEO the lion says GER“:
Lose Electrons = Oxidation.
Gain Electrons = Reduction.

Oxidation vs. reduction: electron gain/loss
Oxidation ILoss (of electrons).
Reduction IGain (of electrons).